Thank you for your interest in joining The E.O.U.V.!
This club was founded by people who loved their homeland and wanted to re-create a little part of Gottschee here in the states. They wanted to preserve the beauty, traditions, friendship and love that had existed for hundreds of years, and for those things to be shared and passed down from generation to generation.
It is because of those people, our family and friends, that this club is the beautiful, successful and vibrant place that it is today. It is our honor and privilege to continue their legacy. To remember their dedication, time and hard work - to make sure that everything they would leave behind will be continued for generations to come.
Guidelines for Membership
Membership at The E.O.U.V. offers a number of benefits, including:
Discounted rates for events and monthly dinners
Voting rights
Death benefits
Being a part of something unique and special
Help guide us on our journey going forward
Celebrating your heritage
The first part of the application is attached below. Once this portion is filled out, please email it to MHibjan@gmail.com. Melanie, our financial secretary, will confirm the receipt of the application and will provide you with further information.
Thank you!
Candidates are to be of Gottscheer, Austrian or German descent or related to the descendant through marriage.
Applicants eighteen years or older, of good moral character who are physically and mentally sound, are eligible to become members of this Society.
Applicants to be considered must be recommended by a member in good standing and must be known personally by that member for at least twelve months.
Candidates must be able to read and write German and/or English.
Applicants for membership shall be made accurately on forms furnished by the Society which must be signed by the applicant giving age, residence, place of birth, occupation, and ancestry.
Upon receipt of an application, the same shall be read at a regular meeting by the chairman of the Membership Committee and will have to be approved by the Society.