Gottscheer Heimatchor
We are dedicated to the preservation of Gottscheerish (a German dialect) and other German language folk, traditional, and sacred choral music.
The Heimatchor generally practices on Tuesday evenings at The E.O.U.V. Club. We welcome all interested singers of all ages; knowledge of German is helpful but not required. Contact Herb Mausser at (216) 402-7437 (text/talk) or Herbert.Mausser@yahoo.com.
The group was founded in 1981 and is an integral partner organization of the EOUV (Erster Österreichischer Unterstützungsverein or First Austrian Mutual Aid Society). The choir has performed extensively at the EOUV facility on Pekin Rd. in Geauga County, across Northeast Ohio, and out-of-town. Highlights include participation in Cleveland’s Bicentennial celebration in 1996; singing the Mass (attended by the Austrian Ambassador to the United States and celebrated by Cardinal James Hickey) for the dedication of the Austrian shrine to the Blessed Virgin in the Church of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C. in 1992; and performance tours of Austria, Slovenia and Italy in 1994 and 1999. The Heimatchor has also enjoyed singing German Masses and for special events at St. Stephen Catholic Church on Cleveland’s Near West side for over twenty-five years.
Schubert Messe
Sunday, November 3 • 11:00 AM
Our Gottscheer Heimatchor and the STV Bavaria choir will sing the “Schubert Messe” at St. Stephen Catholic Church, 1930 W. 54th St., Cleveland, OH 44102 on Sunday, November 3 at 11:00 am during the annual Gedächtnismesse (remembrance service) hosted by VIVA Bavaria.
The Gedächtnismesse is a Mass in the German language in thanksgiving and recognition of dearly departed family and friends. All are invited to attend and/or offer an intention. To commemorate a family member or friend, please follow the instructions on the request form. All names will be included in the Worship Program Booklet and on the Intentions Wreath. The first 100 names received will be read during the petitions. Net proceeds benefit the St. Stephen Church Maintenance Fund.
St. Stephen
First Sunday of the Month at 11:00 a.m.
The Heimatchor is proud to support the regular German Mass at St. Stephen, held every first Sunday of the month at 11:00 am. If you have never been to St. Stephen Church, it is worth the visit! Listed on the National Register of Historic Places since 1977, the carved wood interior imported from Germany in the 19th century creates a beautiful and sublime space for worship. The pipe organ that will accompany the choirs is one of the oldest of its kind in Cleveland.
For more information about St. Stephen Catholic Church, call the parish office at (216) 631-5633. The church parking lot is accessed from W. 57th St., just north of Lorain Ave., or use W. 54th St. on-street parking.
For more information about the Gottscheer Heimatchor, contact Herb Mausser at (216) 402-7437 or Herbert.Mausser@yahoo.com.