
German: Altlag // Gottscheerish: Autloag // Slovenian: Stari Log

The village has a cistern and traditional village pond. Raven Spring, a karst spring southwest of the village, is accessible by 13 flights of steps and was once an important site for hunting frogs.

Altlag was a village settled by Gottschee GermansIn the land registry of 157 it had 14 half-farms, 11 tenant farmers and a population between 75 and 85. In 1770 the village had 67 houses. Before the Second World War it was the second-largest Gottschee German settlement after the town of Gottschee and the village had a band before the First World War. In 1941 most of its original population was evicted, with the exception of two Gottschee German families. In June 1942 the Executive Committee of the Liberation Front and the General Staff of the National Liberation Army and Partisan Detachments of Slovenia moved into the vicinity, making the village the center of the first Slovene territory liberated from Axis control. The village was not burned by Italian troops during the Rog Offensive because Italian troops planned to use it as a base. In March 1943 the Partisans burned the village to deny Italians forces the use of it. After the war, some of the houses were repaired and others completely rebuilt, and the village was settled by new arrivals, who joined the remaining two Gottschee German families. The Altlag volunteer fire department became a founding unit of the Gottschee municipal fire department on 28 August 1955.

 The local church, dedicated to Saint Margaret was mentioned in written documents dating to 1360. In 1511 it was damaged by an earthquake and was rebuilt and extended. It was fortified as a defense against Ottoman raids. In 1691 it burned down and was rebuilt in the Baroque style. It was burned by the Partisans in 1943 and was demolished in 1955.


Altlag 1936 - A film by Joseph Trapp 1936 Revised by Karl Ruppe

The village cemetery stands southwest of the settlement and was established after 1824. It is surrounded by a stone wall and contains the graves of original Gottschee German settlers as well as Slovene and other residents that settled the area after the Second World War. The Gottschee German stones were renovated in 1997. A third group of graves includes 74 Partisan soldiers and hostages from the Altlag area that were killed in the Italian offensive of August 1942. This was set up in 1960 and renovated in 1997, and a hexagonal obelisk stands next to the grave site.

1ChurchPastor Alois Krisch43AntsnAlois Persche85BölveschAlois Kinkopf
2KürtslschMatthias Kren44LokaschAlois Locker (Inn)86Unknown//
3SchimonschJosef Hömgmann45UnknownGeorg Persche87Schüaschtalsch LeaneMagdalena König
4VauainschGeorg Krische46Pujai(n)schFranz Kinkopf88UnknownJohann Eppich
5GreglschStefan König47Lükai(n)schAndreas Kikel89Ritsch LeaneMagdalena Persche
6PauainschJosef Kikel (Inn)48SchtürmschJosef Samide90KikklandarlaischJosef Kikel
7HuvnaschAnna Kikel49TsevarschJohann Höferle91AndlschMichael Höferle
8VentslschAndreas Kikel50HartarschJosef Struna92Schmittmattuai(n)aschMatthias Morscher
9HonsheschJohann Schauer51GrossmerhlRudolf Schmid93UnknownJosef Struna
10ShautsaschFranz Kikel52BölveschFranz Schneider94KikklandarlaischMaria Persche
11Unknown//53ShmidjuklschAnton Schneider95Unknown//
12GöraischFranz Mausser54Mertlai(n)schJohann Höferle96TömashaschJosef Eppich
13HaglschJohann König55SchimmlschJohann Högler97HuvnaschJohann Höfferle
14AndlschMatthias Kinkopf56Bürschtai(n)schFranz Fifolt98Unknown//
15HimsseschFriedrich Kikel57Shmidlai(n)schJohann Miede99UnknownFranz Eppich
16SchteanschEmma Hömgmann58SchtrachaschFranz Eppich100UnknownVeit Mausser
17PeaterschFranz Morscher59BaissjaklschFranz König101LükkaischAndreas Samide
18SchoolAnton Krische teacher60SchüeschtaschAnton Eppich102Unknown//
19ShnaidaschJohann Samide (Inn)61RaüschigaschFranz Eppich103Police StationAnton Eppich
20PeflschFranz Schmid (Inn)62Shmidlai(n)schJohann Eppich104Meshna KorlKarl König
21BimpfaschAugust Hoge63BölveschGeorg Kikel105Unknown//
22GörmattlschAlois Hoge64Grillai(n)schFranz Mische106Troja TöneFranz König
23MattigaschHeinrich Mische65PetrünaschAlois Hömgmann107UnknownVinzenz Pibemik
24BömarschJohann Eppich66HartarschJosef Schober108ShölaschJosef König
25ShmilaischJohann Miede67Shmitt JösheJosef Morscher109Wiiksch MineMaria Jaklitsch
26PertsnJohann Schneider68UnknownFranz Widmer110Honshesch GereGertrud Morscher
27Krumphonshesch//69Meshna JüreJohann Mische111UnknownAnton Morscher
28LaiköveschAntonia Högler70UnknownErwin Hömgmann112UnknownMagdalena König
29TischlaschJohann Fifolt71Vauai(n)schKarl Krische113UnknownAlois Kinkopf
30Kroina KoreKarl König72SchtrachaschAlois Eppich114GreglschJosef Haberle
31GregaschJosef Kikel (Inn)73Grtschpauai(n)schJohann König115ShmittmattaischJosef Schmid
32RitscheschAlois König74Hüatalai(n)schAlois Hönigmann116UnknownFranz Eppich
33KiklschPeter Muchitsch75KükitseschFranz Högler117UnknownFranz Schneider
34KhöllmonschJohann Krische76FerdinandsFranz König118UnknownGeorg Stampfei
35HaglmattlschJosef Högler77Jonkai(n)schBerta Samide119Post OfficeJosef Eisenzopf
36ErkaschOtto Petsche78BimpfaschJosef Hoge120UnknownRudolf Högler
37InnJosef Haberle (Inn)79WäscherinHerbst121UnknownJohann Hoge
38Unknown//80Unknown//122UnknownJosef Eppich
39KhlaüsheschMaria Hutter (Inn)81PüjaklschJakob Kösel123UnknownRosaüa Struna
40TömösheschFranz Schneider82UnknownJohann Schneider124UnknownMatthias Gertschmann
41UnknownMatthias König83SchüpponaischFranz Fink125Michl VrantseFranz König
42Khrümpn JüreGeorg Gramer84GregaschJosef Schneider